Local Chapters

GPC Local Chapter Network

Working as a governance professional can often be an isolating experience. That’s why our Canada-wide network of local chapter communities gives GPC members access to other governance professionals right in their own city or province!

Local chapters offer a unique opportunity to form much deeper connections and network with other members in the local area.

Local Chapters plan fun and informative sessions thorough out the year and are managed by a dedicated group of volunteers through GPC Local Chapter Committees.

If you would like to join a local Chapter Committee or create your own local chapter, please contact [email protected].

Benefits of joining a GPC local chapter

  1. Earn Governance Education Credits (GEC’s) if you have or will be taking the GPC.D designation

  2. Build your network and your career with access to like-minded professionals across all sectors

  3. Build your boardroom confidence by learning from other GPC Members and their experiences

  4. Access great content in a friendly and welcoming environment

  5. Improved visibility for you both in your area and nationally

  6. A pathway to a possible role with the GPC national board

  7. Gaining valuable leadership skills and experience with our association

  8. Engaging with your local community to participate in fun, professional and educational events

  9. Access to professional development content from GPC

Contact your local Chapter


Aaron Friedenthal.  

Committee Members:
Toby Tamayo, Tracey Bliss, Rosa Bruno, Veronica Duarte


Kathy Hillman-Weir. 

Committee Members: 
Allison Nystrom, Lisa Moens, Denise Wanner. 


Committee Members:
Alain Vachon, Valerie Gamache, Guy L'Espérance

BC Chapter:

Sara Pavan and Michelle Todoruk


Trish Mandewo

BC Committee Members:

Andrea Martisca, Arne Gulstene, Emily Rooney, Laurel Van Dam, Meg Comiskey, Tanjeet Kalsi, Sarah Oh, Jennifer Fong, Kellie Howitt, Kelly Orr, Madeleine Tattersall, Stacey Bligh, Susan Laura Firbank.

 Amy Anderson and Cathryn Walker

Committee Members

John Hunter, Mike McLeod, Christine Lee, David Taniguchi, Nicole Finnigan, Nikki Jeffrey and Noren Howg. 



Trinda Tickner. 

Committee Members:
Kim Pappel, Maria Capozzi, Robert Ermel and Chantal Herriot

Atlantic Canada:

Corinne Stockford

Committee Members:
Nancy Massey, Veronique Long, Corinne Stockford, Jennie Noel-Theriault



Bronwynn Cutts

Ontario Great Lakes:

Ivy Lumia

Vice- Chair:
Shelley Wilson

 Committee Members:

Anca Jugarean, Caroline Moreau, Denise Joseph-Dowers, Elizabeth Benson, Jim Mavroidis, Laurie Mobbs, Olufemi Adabale, Suzanne VanSligtenhorst, Denise Ferreira, Shirley Farr

Canadian Territories:

Committee Members:
Megan Yakiwchuk, Paul Folkes, George Morgan

Become a Member

GPC members are involved in addressing a wide spectrum of corporate governance concerns, encompassing board and committee operations, organizational management and structure, disclosure practices, stakeholder engagement, legal and corporate compliance, and matters pivotal to board accountability and oversight. Our membership is diverse and includes professionals holding various positions.

 Join Today