LSM Consulting Ltd

Linda Moulin has over 30 years of experience in the nonprofit and co-operative sector. In her role as a member of the Executive Management Team of one of Saskatchewan’s largest Credit Unions, she had responsibility for governance, policy, corporate social responsibility, marketing, community development, member education (focusing on financial literacy, fraud and elder abuse), and corporate communications.

Linda has provided training to many organizations across Canada. As a faculty member of the Governance Professionals of Canada (GPC), she delivers training to Directors and staff of non-profits and businesses. In addition to her experience leading governance development for her clients and providing training for organizations across Canada, Linda is also an active Board member herself and has served for more than 8 years at the pleasure of the Province of Saskatchewan Crown Corporations as a Director of SGI, the province’s auto insurance company, and SaskEnergy, SaskEnergy who is responsible for delivering and selling natural gas to residential, commercial, and industrial customers in the province of Saskatchewan.