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The New Workplace Reality and the Role of the Board

We’re changing how we talk about violence and harassment in the workplace. What does this mean for governance professionals and boards? Some issues we’ll explore in this session:

  • Changes in overall perception and reaction on violence and harassment in the workforce.
  • Board responsibilities for leadership in workplace culture
  • The board’s role in crisis response to allegations of... Details
Élaboration soignée de règlements

comment simplifier de manière proactive la gouvernance

La gouvernance assure le respect des obligations législatives et réglementaires. Si la gouvernance est considérée comme la somme des processus et des structures mis en place pour maximiser le succès d’une organisation, alors les règlements devraient être un des le premiers endroits où soigneusement élaborer et intégrer sonles structures et processus de gouvernance. Les règlements, optimisés de façon continue,... Details

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Getting Off on the Right Foot with Your Board

One of the most challenging aspects of any executive’s ascension to the role of Chief Executive Officer is no longer having a boss, but rather a Board of Directors to report to. This requires some different skills and a different approach to getting things done. Even if the new CEO has worked with the board for several years as a senior executive, the transition is critical. It should never be ignored or taken for... Details

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Becoming Fluent in ESG
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There is clear evidence that diverse boards enhance all facets of a company’s performance, so as business leaders, it is our duty to all step up today and collectively be Agents of Change in advancing board diversity in Canada.

This panel will provide valuable insights on how can you be an Agent of Change in making board diversity a strategic opportunity for your board-building, and how to make your board diversity mandate ‘best-in-class’.

8 Board Diversity... Details

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This event is designed to give new life to this critical governance practice, in order to ensure that your governance processes and practices are effective. This session will get you off to the right start.

Reflecting on decades of hands-on experience and success with clients across sectors, John Dinner will provide behind the scenes insights into how to generate real value from your board and director assessments in ways that have a direct impact back in the boardroom.... Details

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After all the strategizing and planning, no one really wants to stop doing anything. Too many priorities and too little focus is a menace for most organizations today. Yet, organizations with fewer priorities are much more effective and actually accomplish more. With hilarious anecdotes and tested and proven solutions, Peter Wright makes the case for brutal prioritization and maps out the steps for real change, real courage and the liberation that comes from doing less. This... Details

Business Planning Boot Camp

The Business Planning Boot Camp is an intensive full-day program that provides an in-depth overview of strategy and planning across all sectors and industries. Peter Wright of the Planning Group will take you through a mix of business planning training and workshop discussions to assist in thinking about your own organization's situation, and in optimizing its business planning process.

After attending the Boot Camp, you will be able to start applying what you learned... Details

Carefully Crafting Bylaws

If governance is seen as the sum of processes and structures put in place to maximize the success of an organization, while ensuring compliance with its legislative and regulatory obligations, then Bylaws should be the first place where to carefully embed sound governance practices.

When optimized on a continuous basis, bylaws can help an organization thrive and prevent problems from becoming unmanageable. In this session, participants will review how custom bylaws are... Details

CEO Succession Planning

Selection of the Chief Executive Officer is any board’s most important decision. But most boards don’t have the practices and diligence in place that they know they should around CEO succession planning. Some are even wary about raising the topic - for fear that it will create tensions with the sitting CEO. Others are still using CEO succession practices that are dated and deficient. Many are overly reliant on search firms to “run their process” - essentially “outsourcing”... Details

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