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Certificate in Director Effectiveness

The GPC Certificate in Director Effectiveness aims to equip Canadian Directors with the skills and attributes required to contribute effectively to their Board and organization from day one of their appointment.  This certificate is also ideal for Governance Professionals who want to have a better grasp on their role in supporting Directors and Boards.

Participants will complete a 2-day online course on key topics that Directors tackle at the board level. On completion of a successful case study, participants will receive their Certification. 

This course will be geared towards:

  • Aspiring and seasoned Canadian Directors
  • Governance Professionals eager to enhance their role and impact.

Course Outline

Day 1 – October 24, 2024

Session1: Governance Overview

  1. Governance principles: “TAIPP”
  2. Directors’ duties and responsibilities  
  3. Sources of governance processes - Laws, Regulations, By-laws, Policies, Procedure (Regulatory and reporting landscape)


Session 2: The Board / Management/governance professional Relationship

Navigate the complexities of modern governance, elevate your professional stature, and become a linchpin in fostering organizational excellence. In this segment, we’ll discuss the importance of relationship building in the boardroom and beyond.

  1. The Evolving Role of the Corporate Secretary: Stay ahead of the curve as the corporate secretary role adapts to changing landscapes and emerge as a key player in organizational success.
  2. Managing Multiple Accountabilities: Master the art of juggling diverse responsibilities with finesse, ensuring efficient governance practices while meeting stakeholder expectations.
  3. Building Trust Relationships: Forge robust bonds with both the board and management team, and learn how to encourage an environment of collaboration, transparency, and mutual respect.
  4. Conflict Management Strategies: Equip yourself with proven techniques to navigate conflicts effectively, helping your board transform challenges into opportunities for growth and cohesion.


Session 3: Culture and EDI

Famously, "culture eats strategy for breakfast" (Peter Drucker).

In a governance context, the culture of a board - not its policies and procedures - can be the strongest determinant of its contribution to organizational value. In this session, we will explore what we mean when we talk about board culture, how to shape the governance culture that your organization needs, and how to ensure that your board culture is inclusive.

Shona McGlashan, FCG, Principal, McGlashan Consulting Inc (GPC Governance Professional of the Year)


Day 2: October 25, 2024

Session 4: Types of Board/Directors/Leadership

During this engaging session, participants will explore the intricate world of boards, directors, and board leadership roles. Board members wield a multifaceted perspective in fulfilling their roles and responsibilities, including four lines of sight: oversight, hindsight, insight & foresight within a landscape of volatility, uncertainty, complexity & ambiguity (VUCA), and exacerbated by misinformation and disinformation. How can one embody the essence of a “Stewart of the Future “and adeptly navigate the course of the boardroom into unchartered territories? Our exploration will encompass the following key areas:

  • Various types of Boards spanning public sector, private & public companies, and not-for-profit
  • Embracing diversity on Boards through a spectrum of dimensions, including thought, skills, expertise, gender, ethnicity, geographic, race, culture, language, and representation, thereby shaping your unique board value proposition
  • Cultivating inclusive Board Leadership qualities such as curiosity, collaboration, strategic insights, courage, business acumen & judgement, drawing inspiration from Deloitte’s “The Six Signature Traits of Inclusive Leadership.”
  • Unleashing your Authentic Voice & harnessing Emotional Intelligence within the dynamic environment of the boardroom, fostering effective communication and decision-making

Dr. Deborah Rosati, FPCA, FCA, ICD.D, GCB.D CCB.D, Founder & CEO, Women Get On Board
Sharon Castelino, MBA, LLM. ICD.D, Corporate Director & Financial Services Executive


Session 5: ESG, Purpose and Stakeholder Governance

In this session participants will learn about emerging best practices in ESG, Purpose and Stakeholder Governance. There is rising demand from stakeholders, investors and regulators that organizations and their boards demonstrate competency in these areas. Organizations need to manage their environmental, social and governance risks and opportunities, define and operationalize their purpose and ensure they have healthy and productive relationships with stakeholders. This session will equip directors and governance professionals with the tools and knowledge to begin or advance these discussions at their boards.

Core Strandberg, President, Strandberg Consulting and co-founder and Chair, Canadian Purpose Economy Project


Session 6: The Board role in Strategy

Boards talk about their role in defining strategy, but do most directors really understand what that means? Strategy is the most important tool that organizations have to increase their performance and enhance their impact. In fact, organizations that operate in the top quartile of strategy development and oversight outperform their peers by two to five times. Boards have just two critical roles in strategy: developing strategy in conjunction with senior leaders and overseeing its execution. As the operating environment of many organizations becomes increasingly dynamic, it is critical that directors have the tools, skills and readiness to be productive and effective strategists. In this engaging session, Peter walks participants through a practical approach to help boards create and oversee an effective strategy, rather than act as a rubber stamp for management. Participants will leave with advice to improve their readiness, engagement and performance as successful board strategists.

Peter Wright, President, The Planning Group


Session 7: The Board role in Risk & Ethics

This session examines the critical responsibilities of boards in navigating risk and upholding ethical standards to enhance director effectiveness. In today's complex business environment, directors must adeptly steer organizations through multifaceted challenges, from regulatory compliance to emerging ethical dilemmas. This session will explore strategies for fostering a culture of integrity, robust risk oversight frameworks, and effective governance practices that mitigate reputational and operational risks. Participants will gain practical insights into aligning board strategies with ethical imperatives, leveraging board diversity for comprehensive risk assessment, and enhancing stakeholder trust through transparent governance. Whether you are a seasoned director or new to board governance, this session equips you with essential tools to strengthen your board's role in safeguarding organizational integrity and sustainability.



Registration Fee:

  • Members:  $1,550.00 + HST
  • Non-Member: $1,950.00 + HST (includes GPC Membership) 


12 GECs available for this certificate. 


10/24/2024 10:00 AM - 10/25/2024 4:30 PM
Eastern Daylight Time
Virtual Online CANADA
Sign in or create an account to register

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GPC members are involved in addressing a wide spectrum of corporate governance concerns, encompassing board and committee operations, organizational management and structure, disclosure practices, stakeholder engagement, legal and corporate compliance, and matters pivotal to board accountability and oversight. Our membership is diverse and includes professionals holding various positions.

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